“The Barrens” on the May Short Fiction Roundup

The Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog has included “The Barrens” in its May 2018 roundup of short fiction:

“The Barrens” is a haunting, complex tale, simultaneously frightening and strangely uplifting. Feldman skillfully draws together the treacherous physical world of the Barrens with the shifting inner landscape of the mind of a teen headed into adulthood. There are chilling scenes of horror, vividly drawn characters, and music that serves both as a beacon and bait. Common coming-of-age fears—what to do when high school is over, how to avoid losing touch with friends when you move away, how to find your place in the world—are woven together with the literal monsters lurking in the woods.

Read the whole list here. The issue is currently available for purchase in most Barnes & Nobles as well as online. Electronic versions are available worldwide from Weightless Books, as well as from Amazon (US) and Amazon (UK).

Interview with the F&SF Blog

Usually my process is thorny and angst-ridden, but I had so much fun writing this story. Maybe it comes back to my inspiration—the reckless energy of the music—or maybe it was imagining those kids speeding through the dark woods, both hunter and hunted. It was all adventure. (The characters would likely disagree.)

Read my whole interview about writing “The Barrens” at The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction blog.

“The Barrens” Now Available

I’m over the moon (get it?) that my horror novelette “The Barrens” is the cover story for the May/June issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Five teenagers venture into New Jersey’s vast Pine Barrens, in search of the pirate radio station 81.9FM The Barrens and its elusive DJ. But, as in all good horror stories, they should be more worried about what might find them. (Purchase information below.)

A car cruises up State Route 206, alone under the flushed sky. It parks beside the blackening pines, its doors wing open, and out step two teenagers. They’re suited to the land: dark jeans, black sweatshirts, skin and hair the shade of sand and soil. But their hearts are like the sky, fresh and pink. Flaming.

One holds a silver radio, first to her ear and then above her head. She turns in place, and so does her friend, intent on the compass in his hand. The calendar says spring, today, but still the nights are cold.

“Turn it up,” the boy, Brendan, says, and the girl, Tia, spins the dial a half-turn.

The music is like a fluttering ribbon in the air, thin but vibrant, and when it flares, the two stand in place. They’re facing the entrance to the woods, the beginning of Glass Forge Road.

They look at each other and smile. Perfect.

Look for copies in bookstores, including most Barnes & Nobles, or order online from the publisher. Electronic versions are available worldwide from Weightless Books, as well as from Amazon (US) and Amazon (UK). You can also add and review on Goodreads. SFWA members can read via the association website. (Log in required.)

Read “The Hermit” in The Maine Review

I’m thrilled to see my story, “The Hermit,” in print in issue 4.1 of The Maine Review.  Living in a decaying neighborhood,  a young woman thinks her only hope of salvaging her inheritance–and the life she hoped for–is to sell her mother’s rowhouse to the company planning to demolish her city block. But when a religious hermit moves into the abandoned house next store and begins dispensing wisdom through the boarded windows, she realizes her loyalties are more complicated than she thought. Ultimately she must decide what kind of neighbor she truly wants to be, and what it means to call a place home.

Copies are now available.