“Unlock Your Novel’s Plot” Two-Hour Intensive Returns

Learn the fundamentals of character and plot structure, and lay the groundwork for a complete and satisfying novel.

Weds., Oct. 23, 2024
Online: 7:30pm-9:30pm, EST

You have an idea for a novel, but you don’t know where to start—or maybe you’ve started writing and stalled out, or completed a draft but don’t know how to revise. What drives a great work of fiction? How do you create a story strong enough to sustain a novel? And how do you write 70, 80, or 90,000 words?

This two-hour intensive class tackles the fundamentals of character and conflict; the elements of a satisfying narrative arc; and practical strategies for completing that first draft and beginning your second. Our time together will include presentations, guided writing, and discussion. In the end, you’ll leave with fresh ideas and concrete plans for your novel, as well as three worksheets to apply to this and future writing projects.

Enroll via the Writing Co-Lab.

Questions? Email me at sbf at stephaniefeldman.com.