August 14: Readercon (Online)

I’m excited to join this year’s virtual Readercon! On Saturday, August 14, 11am-noon EST, I’ll be moderating the panel “Reading Fantasy Through a Motif Lens Index,” which includes speakers Katherine Crighton, Jeffrey Ford, Karen Heuler, and L. Penelope.

Folklorists use motif indexes to catalog and analyze folk tales from around the world. The existence of TV Tropes suggests the need for new motif indexes that fit new forms of literature, but we can also apply folklore motif indexes to 21st-century fantastical fiction. Which motifs have had staying power for hundreds of years, and what other expected or unexpected patterns do we find? What does treating fiction as folklore bring to the reading experience?

Register here for the weekend event. Recordings will remain available for members for six months following the convention.

Oct. 16: One-Day Novel Workshop

I’m looking forward to leading my three-hour intensive “Laying the Groundwork for Your Novel” again on October 16. Join us online to tackle the fundamentals of character and conflict; the elements of a satisfying narrative arc; and practical strategies for completing that first draft.

Students of all levels are welcome to participate, though this class is best-suited for folks who have their first novel idea but aren’t sure where to go next. Our time together will include presentations, guided writing, and discussion. In the end, you’ll leave with fresh ideas and concrete plans for your novel, as well as three worksheets to apply to this and future writing projects.

Read more and sign up here.